Stay cool, calm, balanced and relaxed in the summer with an afternoon of mindful movement, yin yoga, mudras & yoga nidra

Saturday 6th July 2024
Time: 15:00 – 17:30
Price: £28.00 early bird if booked by 2nd June/ £35.00 thereafter
Venue: The Canvas, 27 Old Ford Rd, Bethnal Green, London E2 9PJ

Summer is often a time of increased physical activity as we make the most of the warmer and longer days and our inner fire element is at its peak. It’s a wonderful time to honour the sun in all of its glory and acknowledge the infinite source of light within ourselves.

However, all of the excitement, warmth, and outward flowing energy that comes with the summer can also lead to us feeling ‘overheated’ in our body and mind, resulting in anxiety, agitation, or disturbed sleep, and we can often burn out by Summer’s end.

We need to balance all of the activity, stimulation and social interaction of summer with some quiet time and deep rest, and this afternoon’s workshop is an invitation to slow down and turn inwards, to rest, and to cool, calm and rebalance our body and mind.

Starting with some gentle and mindful movement, we’ll move into the stillness of longer held yin poses, followed by a long and delicious yoga nidra, to leave you fully rested and relaxed by the end of the practice.

We’ll also explore some cooling breathing practices, soothing self-massage and mudras, to help restore balance to our system during the hot days of summer.

You’ll finish the workshop feeling balanced, calm, re-focussed and ready to mindfully embrace all the joys that summer has to offer.

The workshop is open to yoga practitioners of all levels, including beginners and those new to yin yoga.

I don’t know exactly what a prayer is.
I do know how to pay attention, how to fall down
into the grass, how to kneel down in the grass,
how to be idle and blessed, how to stroll through the fields….”

Mary Oliver, The Summer Day

To book a place, or if you have any questions, please contact me